Modernising Agriculture in Ghana



Project Detail

The Modernisation of Agriculture in Ghana (MAG) Project gives budgetary support and technical assistance in response to the objectives of Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy (FASDEP), The Medium-Term Agricultural Sector Investment Plan (METASIP) and Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda GSGDA) addressing productivity and value chain management issues for increased farmer incomes and enhanced rural livelihoods. One of the interventions by the Government of Ghana to bridge the gender gap in agriculture is to improve adoption of technologies under the Modernization of Agriculture in Ghana (MAG) project. MAG focuses on demand driven research and alternative methods of extension delivery that facilitate the dissemination of technologies to farm households, Farmer Based Organisations (FBOs), out-growers of nucleus farms, among others. Under the component 3 of the project, which seeks to support agricultural research in order to strengthen agricultural extension services and improve agricultural productivity, production needs and demands of smallholder farmers are identified for tailor-made technologies and innovation development and transfer.
  • Collaborating institutions/partnership: All CSIR Institutes
  • Funding source (donor):Government of Canada

Participating scientists (with PI)


For the research study conducted in 2022 under the MAG project, a purely exploratory qualitative approach was employed. This was to allow an in-depth interrogation of the status and impact of the MAG project among beneficiary farmers in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The main data collection approaches used were focus group discussions, and key informant interviews with the aid of an interview guide. Data was collected from 13 focus groups and 7 key informants from the study area. Results were analysed using thematic analysis and presented in text, figures, and word clouds. Verbatim quotes were also used to support the findings.

Results Achieved

Organisation of a writing workshop

A two-day writing workshop was organised for the MAG project team members and other early career staff and national service personnel in the CSIR-STEPRI. The purpose of the workshop was to build capacity of the team and other early career staff in scientific writing and conducting systematic literature review for publication purposes. Dr Portia Adade Williams and Dr Justina A. Onumah led the training. While Dr Onumah presented on “Writing tools and techniques”, Dr Williams led the training on “conducting a systematic literature review.” As the first day focused on training in these modules, Day 2 focused on developing manuscript working papers from previously conducted survey on adoption and impact of disseminated technologies among cassava producers. Participants requested for more of such training to build their capacities further.

Data collection, analysis, and technical report writing on the assessment of MAG activities among women beneficiaries in the Eastern region.

This study was conducted in the Eastern region of Ghana to assess the performance of the MAG programme on women beneficiaries and propose ways of sustaining the intervention. In terms of the programme outcome, women’s economic empowerment has been boosted as their farm incomes have increased due to the yield increases from adopting the improved technologies disseminated. Fulfilment of community obligation, providing support to their husbands and children’s educational needs, and becoming independent were some of the key social benefits reported by the women.

These social and economic outcome goes to prove that the programme has had good impact on the women beneficiaries in the selected districts studied.

Way Forward

The project is not likely to continue as its duration has elapsed. The team will therefore focus on producing knowledge materials, including policy briefs and journal articles as a dissemination and outreach strategy.


CSIR-Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (CSIR-STEPRI) P. O. Box CT. 519 Cantonments - Accra

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