Project Detail
- Start Date:12th June 2017
- Duration:Four Years, (Extended by Six Months, 1st January-31st July 2022)
- Funding source (donor):USAID
- Location:Selected Communities in Northern Ghana
Participating scientists (with PI)

Results Achieved
Project Achievements and Impacts
The team assembled the previous reports of the Africa RISING Project from 2019 to 2021 which were used for the policy dialogues and dissemination exercises at selected locations with relevant stakeholders. These policy dialogues and dissemination activities are aimed to popularize the outcomes of the project and promote SIPS adoption among farmers and gain support from policymakers. The policy briefs are designed in recognition of the objectives of the current project. The title of the policy briefs was as follows;
- Effective Delivery of Farm Services as a way of addressing dis-adoption and discontinuous use of Sustainable Intensification Practices in Northern Ghana.
- What Factors Influence Adoption of Sustainable Intensification Practices?
- Resolving the Market Challenges of Smallholder Farmers in Northern Ghana
- Sustainable Extension Delivery Pathway.
- Understanding Sustainable Intensification Policy Gaps in Ghana’s Agricultural Development.
- Agricultural Mechanization Policy Gaps in Ghana.
The title of the fact sheets was as follows;
- Enhancing Adoption and Utilization of Agricultural Mechanization for Sustainable Agriculture Development in Northern Ghana.
- To Get a Better Understanding of How Output Markets in Their Various Forms Work Out in Northern Ghana.
- To Get a Better Understanding of How Input Markets in Their Various Forms Work Out.
- Benefits of Adopting Sustainable Intensification Practices.
This project is partnering with the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) via their available knowledge management platform (FARA’s DataInformS). The platform will be used to disseminate widely policy briefs and fact sheets. to inform different stakeholders about lessons learned from the intervention.
Dissemination workshop with extension officers in Northern Ghana
Way Forward
After almost 12 years, the Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING) Program supported by the United States Agency for International Development as part of the U.S. government’s Feed the Future initiative is ending. There was a closeout event from 7 – 9 February 2023 in Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana.
During the meeting, which brought together stakeholders from the three regional projects presented:
- Present and critically assess our research and development results; and
- Harness critical lessons for future agricultural systems research for development.