Industry and Service



Industry and Service Division


About the Division

This division is responsible for policy research on:

Industry Sector which comprises of Mining and Quarrying
  • Manufacturing: food, pharmaceuticals, garments & textiles, Wood, Building materials, household items
  • Construction: Real Estate,
  • Utilities : Electricity, Water and Sewerage
Services Sector which also comprises of Trade,Repair of Vehicles, Household Goods,Hotels and Restaurants- barriers to the use of locally produced food products in restaurants,Transport and Storage, Information and communication, Financial and Insurance services, , Professional, Administrative & Support Service activities,Public Administration & Defence; Social Security, Education,Health and Social Work,Community, Social & Personal Service Activities,transportation, financial services, commerce, information and communications technology (ICT), education and tourism.

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Division Information

This division is responsible for policy research on:

Industry Sector which comprises of Mining and Quarrying
  • Manufacturing: food, pharmaceuticals, garments & textiles, Wood, Building materials, household items
  • Construction: Real Estate,
  • Utilities : Electricity, Water and Sewerage
Services Sector which also comprises of Trade,Repair of Vehicles, Household Goods,Hotels and Restaurants- barriers to the use of locally produced food products in restaurants,Transport and Storage, Information and communication, Financial and Insurance services, , Professional, Administrative & Support Service activities,Public Administration & Defence; Social Security, Education,Health and Social Work,Community, Social & Personal Service Activities,transportation, financial services, commerce, information and communications technology (ICT), education and tourism.

Meet the Staff of the Division


CSIR-Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (CSIR-STEPRI) P. O. Box CT. 519 Cantonments - Accra

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