Project Detail
The proposed multidisciplinary project aims to establish a shared understanding of problems and opportunities and to develop solutions to shape food environments in transitioning economies to drive nutritious food consumption for better health outcomes, targeting South-East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Specific CSIR Thematic area:Food security & poverty reduction; Science and People; Biomedical and public health
- Collaborating institutions/partnership: University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM), University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa & Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania (SUA), Thunen Institute for Market Analysis, Germany
- Duration:36 months
- Funding source (donor):Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Germany and Coordinated by Thunen Institute for Market Analysis, Germany.
Participating scientists (with PI)
Specific Objective
The proposed multidisciplinary project aims to establish a shared understanding of problems and opportunities and to develop solutions to shape food environments in transitioning economies to drive nutritious food consumption for better health outcomes, targeting South-East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Expected Outcome
An expected immediate outcome of the project is that stakeholders, institutions and individuals within and outside the project countries will use the recommendations to review their policies, programmes, practices and behaviours for better health and nutrition outcomes. The development outcome of this project is better progress towards the achievement of the targets of Ghana’s nutrition and Health policies, Malabo Declaration of ending hunger by 2025 (for African partners), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Good health and wellbeing), SDG 4 (inclusive and equitable quality education for all), SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities), SDG 12 (Sustainable consumption and production) and SDG 17 (Strengthen implementation and revitalize the global partnerships).
Major Outcomes
As of December 2023, the major outcome has been the implementation of selected activities in the project master plan. Team members from Ghana participated in the Inception workshop on November 19–25, 2023, at the Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, where the objectives of the projects were discussed, research questions were refined, PhD topics were proposed, and the project timeliness was adjusted. The steering committee and Quality assurance meetings were held.
Impact on the Economy
By improving policies and practices regarding the urban food environment, consumption practices will be transformed positively, and the health of the population will improve resulting in increased productivity and income.
Major policy action needed
Engagements will be made with policymakers to inform them about the project, their expected