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 CSIR-STEPRI Participates in Maiden CSIR Food Fair

CSIR-STEPRI Participates in Maiden CSIR Food Fair

On Thursday, 2ndDecember 2021, CSIR-STEPRI staff participated in the maiden CSIR- Food Fair and Exhibitions organized by the CSIR-Food Research Institute. The even tbrought together agro-food processors, food vendors, nutrition and health institutions, and other stakeholders to showcase and sell their products to the public.

In line with the institute’s mandate to contribute to policy development, the popularization of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and support technology transfer, staff in the Industry and Services division exhibited publications written by experts from the institute, including some policy briefs produced as part of the National Policy for Aflatoxin Control in Food and Feed; and the Ghana Herbal Pharmacopoeia.